nRICHu is liken to a one Year Apprenticeship in Wealth Creation: The rich have learned to leverage their time, talent and money! Our Students are taught the skills of the very wealthy and encourage them to applied these principals daily. nRICHu has a system of training for this new generation of practitioners. Apprentices or Students are put on a strict training program so they can gain the skills needed to prepare them for their desired career.
We learn to create wealth by physically creating Wealth. We teach by example and use experts in the industry so our students learn what actually occurs in industry. Classroom Training Webinars and Conference Calls with Experts in the Industry assure students of success as they apply the knowledge.
How does nRICHu measure Success?
Certification is earned as a Certain amount of Residual Income is earned in each Module. They begin at Wealth101 and then the student is encouraged to gain another stream of income in Wealth102; and so on. We have developed a One Year, Step by Step Program to create residual income for our Students of $2,000 to $5,000 a month. We know some will create much more! Our Student are encouraged to Learn, then Earn and finally Return to Share their Success with other Students enrolling in the University!
nRichu University provides certification to help
build student confidence and achieve their life goals!