You may have asked yourself at one point or another, "What separates the successful from the survivors? What ingredient makes the difference? Why is it that someone with less physical ability than the gifted wins the gold metal? How does a poor immigrant build a thriving business in a few years while the masses watch? Why is it that so many Americans are ungrateful with the opportunities and freedoms they possess yet new comers to this country rejoice at the one room apartment and minimum wage? Those unsuspecting individuals are prosperous while others are not because of one thing. The key that unlocks the door to riches of every kind is CHARACTER. It is because of the personal positive character traits they have developed that makes them a shining star in a sea of social mediocrity. The difference is Character. What is Character? Webster's Dictionary defines character as: : mental and ethical traits marking a person.. : moral excellence and firmness. Simply put CHARACTER is the psychological pattern of your mental and ethical traits. These traits determine how you will instinctively act and react to given situations. It is how you are programmed… wired… how you are motivated. It is essentially what you think and believe, and consequently how you will act when you are put to test. As Booker T Washington, put it “ Character is Power ” Make no mistake every real success story in life has to do with character. Character is the essence of who you are; Character is made up of the core principles you govern your life by. Character is not Bought, Character is Built! Character is Power Developing positive character attributes is the most important part of every successful journey.
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